Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Beach & Seaworld

Carlee, Logan & Sara boogie boarding (uncle Scott keeping watch).

Carlee being silly...

Logan & Mike boogie boarding.

Mike catching a wave.

Killer whales @ the Shamu Show

Carlee and I

Dolphins @ the Blue Horizons Show

Logan, Carlee & Sara feeding the seals.

Wild Rapids ride that Carlee BEGGED to go on ALL day because she was hot and wanted to get wet. So, she went w/ dad, Logan and the grandparents. She got the MOST wet and was upset because she had to then walk around SOAKED the rest of the day. I tried to tell her but she didn't want to listen to me! :)

Logan, Sara and Carlee @ Fletcher's Cove

Celebrating Logan's birthday @ Anthony's Fish Grotto

My nephew, Ryan, after eating a bite of his birthday dessert and clapping his hands because it was YUMMY!
Us @ the Pier outside of Anthony's Fish Grotto in San Diego.

We took a trip to Solana Beach (north of La Jolla ) and to Seaworld with Mike's family this summer. We also celebrated Logan's birthday (and my nephew who turned 1). It was really fun! We spent 3 days on the beach doing NOTHING! Okay, well that was me and it was heaven! The kids played in the sand, boogie boarded, swam and snorkeled. Mike, his brother, Logan and grandpa all went snorkeling at La Jolla Cove and got to swim with and see a bunch of Leopard Sharks, they are breeding right now. 40-50 of them were surrounding them and swimming with them along with a bunch of sting rays. They said it was neat, I passed. Logan got to experience it but after a couple minutes (and being able to say he did it) he was done. Our trip to Seaworld was really fun too and we all had a long, fun day. We celebrated the boys birthdays at Anthony's Fish Grotto on the Pier in San Diego. It was delicious!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Birthday Boy

Celebrating his b-day at Anthony's Fish Grotto in San Diego.

Standing in front of the Shamu car at Seaworld.

Logan turned 9 last week! Where has the time gone? He is growing up way too fast and is proud of the fact that he's almost as tall as I am! Here are a couple of quick pics of my "not so little" boy.