Saturday, July 18, 2009

4th of July fun!

Mike demonstrating how to do a perfect bellyflop!

Logan doing a cannonball!

Mike trying to do a twist something or's been years since they've dove so I don't remember what everything is called.

Scott doing a dive into the water but it looks like he's doing a handstand on the water!
Good timing w/ the camera!

Carlee jumping in.

Mike and Scott doing Gainers, trying to see how big of a splash they could make!



Mike, acting like a Seal

We celebrated 4th of July with Mike's family. We mostly swam and we did eat a little bbq burgers and hot dogs and we did a little more swimming. Then we watched fireworks. It was a lot of fun! Here are a few pics of the kids (and Mike and Scott) playing in the pool.

1 comment:

Val said...

These are some of the best blog photos I've seen haha. Great timing!